Rebeca E. Campos is a Professor of English in the department of English Philology at the Universidad Autónoma in Madrid (UAM) and is also currently working at Complutense University of Madrid teaching American and English literature. She earned a Ph.D. in Literary Studies in 2015 in Madrid and was awarded the European Doctor honorary qualification. In her dissertation, she studied the ways in which early twentieth-century Americanization discourses of femininity impeded eastern European Jewish immigrant women’s ability to fully adapt to American gender norms. This experience prompted her interest in the power relations produced by textual propaganda and the impact of such hegemonic gender roles on non-conforming gender realities. Since finishing her PhD, she has given various speeches and led workshops on the queer punk scene and literature in colleges, community centers, bookstores, and other cultural or academic events. In the last years, she has also participated in several conferences on non-conforming gender narratives and queer activism. Co-editor of the queer zine Cuir Madriz, drummer, composer and currently playing in several punk rock bands, she has combined her inhabiting the punk scene with her diverse interests in literature from interdisciplinary approaches.